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Economic benefits of large-scale remediation of contaminated marine sediments-a literature review and an application to the Grenland fjords in Norway
David Nicholas Barton, Ståle Navrud, Heid Bjørkeslett, Ingrid Lilleby
Assessment of risk and risk-reducing measures related to the introduction and dispersal of the invasive alien carpet tunicate Didemnum vexillum in Norway.
Johanna Järnegren, Bjørn Gulliksen, Vivian Husa, Martin Malmstrøm, Eivind Oug, Paul Ragnar Berg
Frequent sampling of microplastic particles in surface waters in the open parts of the Kattegat and Great Belt, Denmark
Amy Lusher, Cecilie Singdahl-Larsen, Pierre Franqois Jaccard, Bert van Bavel, Louise Valestrand, E. Therese Harvey
Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater ecosystems 2020 – Occurrence and biomagnification
Morten Jartun, Asle Økelsrud, Henriette Kildahl, Sigurd Øxnevad, Thomas Rundberget, Kine Bæk
Action-oriented monitoring of environmental status in Tista and Iddefjorden in 2018 in relation to emissions from Norske Skog Saugbrugs AS.
Gunhild Borgersen, Marijana Stenrud Brkljacic, Maia Røst Kile, Mats Gunnar Walday
The use of eDNA and DNA based methods to assess and monitor alien and doorknocker species
Torbjørn Ekrem, Thierry Baussant, Glenn John Dunshea, Micah Dunthorn, Elianne Dunthorn Egge, Anette Engesmo
Spatial and temporal trends of mercury in freshwater fish in Fennoscandia (1965-2015)
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Staffan Åkerblom, Heleen de Wit, Gunnar Skotte, Martti Rask, Jussi Vuorenmaa
Use of sodium silicate to reduce aluminium toxicity towards fish
Hans-Christian Teien, Frode Kroglund, Brit Salbu, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Under the surface: A gradient study of human impacts in Danish marine waters
Jesper Harbo Andersen, Therese Harvey, Emilie Kallenbach, Ciaran Joseph Murray, Zyad Al-Hamdani, Andy Stock
Opportunities for increased blue growth in coastal parts of Østfold
Øyvind Kaste, Einar Dahl, Federico Håland Gaeta, Ole-Kristian Hess-Erga, Kathrine Ivsett Johnsen, Henriette Othilie Bøe Kildahl
Plastic litter in Norwegian lakes, rivers and coastal areas. Evaluation of monitoring methods
Markus Lindholm, Bert van Bavel, Inger Lise Nerland Bråte, David Eidsvoll, Sissel Brit Ranneklev, Rachel Hurley
Konsekvenser av ny kanal og båthavn på Kileneset, Søgne kommune. Strøm og vannutskiftning, ålegrasenger og organismesamfunn i bunnsedimenter og fjæresone
Camilla With Fagerli, Andre Staalstrøm, Janne Kim Gitmark
Dying for change: A roadmap to refine the fish acute toxicity test after 40 years of applying a lethal endpoint
Ioanna Katsiadaki, Tim Ellis, Linda Andersen, Philipp Antczak, Ellen Blaker, Natalie Burden
Co-occurrence, ecological profiles and geographical distribution based on unique molecular identifiers of the common freshwater diatoms Fragilaria and Ulnaria
Maria Kahlert, Satu Maaria Karjalainen, Francois Keck, Martyn Kelly, Mathieu Ramon, Frederic Rimet
Coagulation of phosphorous and organic matter from marine, land-based recirculating aquaculture system effluents
Carlos O Letelier-Gordo, Paulo Mira Fernandes
Working with nature-based solutions: Synthesis and mapping of status in the Nordics
Leonard Sandin, Isabel Seifert-Dähnn, Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth, Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Dominik Zak, Johanna Alkan Olsson
Surveillance monitoring of large Norwegian lakes 2017. Testing of methodology for monitoring and classification of ecological status according to the Water Framework Directive
Anne Lyche Solheim, Ann Kristin Schartau, Terje Bongard, Knut Andreas Eikland Bækkelie, John Gunnar Dokk, Hanne Edvardsen
Historical and future changes of organic carbon in Farrisvann
Salar Valinia, Carolina Olid Garcia, Carsten Meyer-Jacob, Richard Bindler
Effects of sample preparation on methylmercury concentrations in arctic organisms
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Christopher Peter Harman, Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Thorjørn Larssen
Marine litter distribution and density in European seas, from the shelves to deep basins
Christopher K. Pham, Eva Ramirez Llodra, Claudia H.S. Alt, Teresa Amaro, Melanie Bergmann, Miquel Canals