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Response of marine benthic fauna to thin-layer capping with activated carbon in a large-scale field experiment in the Grenland fjords, Norway
Göran S. Samuelsson, Caroline Raymond, Stefan Agrenius, Morten Schaanning, Gerard Cornelissen, Jonas S. Gunnarsson
Comparing total and accessible concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants in sediments and suspended particulate matter in the Danube River
Michaela Belháčová-Minaříková, Ian Allan, Branislav Vrana
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as sentinels for the elucidation of Arctic environmental change processes: a comprehensive review combined with ArcRisk project results
Pernilla Carlsson, Knut Breivik, Eva Brorström-Lundén, Ian Cousins, Jesper Christensen, Joan O. Grimalt
Two different approaches of microbial community structure characterization in riverine epilithic biofilms under multiple stressors conditions: Developing molecular indicators
Lorenzo Pin, Alexander Eiler, Stefano Fazi, Nikolai Friberg
The Marine Plastic Litter Issue: A Social-Economic Analysis
Samuel Abalansa, Badr El Mahrad, Godwin Kofi Vondolia, John Icely, Alice Newton
Small circles: The role of physical distance in plastics recycling
Vilma Havas, Jannike Falk-Andersson, Paritosh Deshpande
Improved Environmental Status: 50 Years of Declining Fish Mercury Levels in Boreal and Subarctic Fennoscandia
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Staffan Åkerblom, Kimmo Kalevi Kahilainen, Martti Rask, Jussi Vuorenmaa, Jaakko Mannio
The influence of a submerged meadow on uptake and trophic transfer of legacy mercury from contaminated sediment in the food web in a brackish Norwegian fjord
Marianne Olsen, Eirik Fjeld, Espen Lydersen
Mikronisert Solaritt (Ca-silikat) for bruk i vassdragskalking
Espen Lydersen, Rolf Høgberget, Eirik Fjeld
European Approaches Support an Essential Definition of Ecosystem-Based Management and Demonstrate Its Implementation for the Oceans
Gunnar Sander
Observing Temporally Varying Synoptic-Scale Total Alkalinity and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Arctic Ocean
Hannah L. Green, Helen S. Findlay, Jamie D. Shutler, Richard Sims, Richard Bellerby, Peter E. Land
Can plastic related chemicals be indicators of plastic ingestion in an Arctic seabird?
France Collard, Felix Tulatz, Mikael Harju, Dorte Herzke, Sophie Bourgeon, Geir Wing Gabrielsen
Pervasive iron limitation at subsurface chlorophyll maxima of the California Current
Shane L Hogle, Christopher L Dupont, Brian M Hopkinson, Andrew L King, Kristen N Buck, Kelly L Roe
Improvement in municipal wastewater treatment alters lake nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in populated regions
Yindong Tong, Mengzhu Wang, Josep Peñuelas, Xueyan Liu, Hans W. Paerl, James J. Elser
Social, demographic, and economic correlates of food and chemical consumption measured by wastewater-based epidemiology
Phil M Choi, Benjamin Tscharke, Saer Samanipour, Wayne D Hall, Coral E Gartner, Jochen F Mueller
Brukerfinansiert klimaberedskap? En beregningsmodell for overvannsgebyr i Oslo
David Nicholas Barton, Zander Venter, Nils Roar Sælthun, Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth, Isabel Seifert-Dähnn
Lokale overvannstiltak i urbane boligområder: Erfaringer fra samarbeid på Grefsen-Kjelsås, Oslo
Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth, Line Johanne Barkved, Isabel Seifert-Dähnn
Spatial predictors and temporal forecast of total organic carbon levels in boreal lakes
Camille Marie Crapart, Anders Gravbrøt Finstad, Dag Olav Hessen, Rolf David Vogt, Tom Andersen
Forslag til metodikk for å vurdere økologisk kvalitet for lokaliteter av forvaltningsrelevante marine naturenheter
Trine Bekkby, Eli Rinde, Kristina Øie Kvile, Marijana Stenrud Brkljacic, Jonas Thormar, Marit Mjelde
Changes in Nutrient Concentration Resulting From Floods and Their Impact on the Estuary–Sea Continuum
Xiangqian Zhou, Jianzhong Ge, Philip Wallhead, Shenyang shi