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Seasonal rainfall affects occurrence of organohalogen contaminants in tropical marine fishes and prawns from Zanzibar, Tanzania
Ane Haarr, Eliezer B Mwakalapa, Aviti J Mmochi, Jan L Lyche, Anders Ruus, Halima Othman
Habitat mapping
Trine Bekkby
Thiol derivatization for LC-MS analysis of microcystins in Microcystis and Planktothrix blooms from Africa and Norway
Christopher Owen Miles, Morten Sandvik, Thomas Rundberget, Hezron Nonga, Christo Botha, Andreas Ballot
Kinetics and Size Effects on Adsorption of Cu(II), Cr(III), and Pb(II) Onto Polyethylene, Polypropylene, and Polyethylene Terephthalate Microplastic Particles
Xiaoxin Han, Wang Shiyu, Xue Yu, Rolf David Vogt, Jianfeng Feng, Lifang Zhai
The Flow of IWRM in SADC: The Role of Regional Dynamics, Advocacy Networks and External Actors
Synne Movik, Lyla Mehta, Emmanuel Manzungu
Marine pollution and water quality monitoring in Myanmar – assessment and bridging of capacity needs
Kristoffer Næs, Mats Walday, Anne Bjørkenes Christiansen
Toxic cyanobacteria and their toxins in standing waters of Kenya: implications for water resource use
Kiplagat Kotut, Andreas Ballot, Lothar Krienitz
Mercury and stable isotopes of N and C in brown trout (Salmo trutta) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) from Lake Breisjøen and Lake Store Gryta, Norway
Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Thrond O. Haugen, Jan Munthe
The ecophysiology and ecotoxicology of fishes as a tool for monitoring and manegement strategy of high mountain lakes and lakes and rivers in acidified areas
Bjørn Olav Rosseland, J.-C. Massabuau, J. Grimalt, R. Hofer, R. Lackner, S. Rognerud
Weak response of greenhouse gas emissions to whole lake N enrichment
Marcus Klaus, Ann-Kristin Bergström, Anders Jonsson, Anne Deininger, Erik Geibrink, Jan Karlsson
Effects of freeze-thaw on C and N release from soils below different vegetation in a montane system: a laboratory experiment
Live Semb Vestgarden, Kari Austnes
The challenge and status of IWRM in four river basins in Europe and Asia
Ingrid Nesheim, Desmond McNeill, KJ Joy, S Manasi, DTK Nhung, MM Portela
Greenhouse gas metabolism in Nordic boreal lakes
Hong Yang, Tom Andersen, Peter Dörsch, Koji Tominaga, Jan-Erik Thrane, Dag Olav Hessen
Effects of climate change on the mobilization of total organic carbon (TOC) and nitrogen (TON) - A field experiment
Kari Austnes, Ståle Haaland, Arne O. Stuanes
Effects of temperature and season on gonad growth and feed intake in the green sea urchin (Strongolycentrotus droebachiensis)
Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Jørgen Schou Christiansen, Trine Dale
Roe enhancement in sea urchin: Effects of handling during harvest and transport on mortality and gonad growth in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
Trine Dale, Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Kåre Aas
Solute focusing and separation with temperature gradients on packed capillary columns in HPLC
Anders Holm, Thomas Andersen, Thomas Bjellaas, Pål Molander, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Modelling impacts of climate and deposition changes on nitrogen fluxes in northern catchments of Norway and Finland
Øyvind Kaste, Katri Rankinen, Ahti Lepistö
Phylogeny of Prymnesiales (Haptophyta) inferred from rDNA sequences and morphological data
Bente Edvardsen, Wenche Eikrem, Alberto Sáez, Ian Probert, Linda K. Medlin
Chemical and ecological effects of contaminated tunnel wash water runoff to a small Norwegian stream
Sondre Meland, Reidar Borgstrøm, Lene Sørlie Heier, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Oddvar Lindholm, Brit Salbu