Shows 2694 hit
Beskytte og restaurere blå skog - En viktig løsning for å redusere nedgangen i det biologiske mangfoldet
Cecilie Linn Wathne, Tanya Bryan, Solrun Figenschau Skjellum, Karen Filbee-Dexter, Hege Gundersen, Peter Harris
Nettverksmøte: Mot en bærekraftig opplevelses- industri på Sørlandet
Aase Jeanette Kvanneid
The Miocene-Pliocene boundary and the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the easternmost Mediterranean: Insights from the Hatay Graben (Southern Turkey)
Sarah J. Boulton, Christopher W. Smart, Chiara Consolaro, Avalon Snider
High temperature injection in capillary high temperature liquid chromatography
Pål Molander, Espen Ommundsen, Tyge Greibrokk
Målinger av miljøgifter i luft ved Franzefoss Eide på Sotra og Husøya ved Kristiansund
Tore Flatlandsmo Berglen, Aasmund Fahre Vik, Tore Mortensen, Erik Andresen, Kine Bæk, Kirsten Davanger
Risk assessment of the fungicide Aviator Xpro EC 225 with the active substances bixafen and prothioconazole. Opinion of the Panel on Plant Protection Products of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Line Emilie Sverdrup, Christine Bjørge, Ole Martin Eklo, Merete Grung, Torsten Källqvist, Ingeborg Klingen
Conventional wastewater treatment methods and their ability to remove EDCs
Pawel Krzeminski, Christian Vogelsang
The Norwegian River Monitoring Programme 2022 – water quality status and trends. Elveovervåkningsprogrammet 2022 – vannkvalitetstilstand og ‐trender
Øyvind Kaste, Cathrine Brecke Gundersen, James Edward Sample, Maeve Mcgovern, Liv Bente Skancke, Ian Allan
Spatio-temporal assessment of illicit drug use at large scale: evidence from 7 years of international wastewater monitoring
Iria González-Mariño, Jose Antonio Baz-Lomba, Nikiforos Alygizakis, Maria Jesus Andres-Costa, Richard Bade, Anne Bannwarth
Prioritisation of water pollutants: the EU Project SOLUTIONS proposes a methodological framework for the integration of mixture risk assessments into prioritisation procedures under the European Water Framework Directive
Michael Faust, Thomas Backhaus, Rolf Altenburger, Valeria Dulio, Jos van Gils, Antonio Ginebreda
Hva skjer i Hunnebunn?
Andre Staalstrøm, Evgeniy Yakushev
Undersøkelse av hydrografiske og biologiske forhold i Indre Oslofjord Årsrapport 2021
Andre Staalstrøm, Guri Sogn Andersen, Mats Gunnar Walday, Anette Engesmo, Sandra Gran-Stadniczeñko, E. Therese Harvey
Re-calibration of the MAGIC model with data from the National Lake Survey 2019.
Øyvind Kaste, Magnus Dahler Norling, Kari Austnes, Bernard J. Cosby, Richard Frederic Wright
Re-calibration of the MAGIC model with data from the National Lake Survey 2019. Results from phase 2
Øyvind Kaste, Magnus Dahler Norling, Areti Balkoni, Kari Austnes, Bernard J. Cosby, Richard F. Wright
Particle transport of phosphorus in streams draining catchments with different land uses
Yemane Kidanu Gebreslasse, Rolf David Vogt
Towards sustainable waste management in Myanmar – key results from the project ‘Capacity building on waste management in the Bago Region’
Ingrid Nesheim, Julia Szulecka, Cecilie Baann, Rachel Hurley, Emmy Nøklebye, May Thazin Phoo
How genomics can help biodiversity conservation
Kathrin Theissinger, Carlos Fernandes, Giulio Formenti, Iliana Bista, Paul Ragnar Berg, Christoph Bleidorn
A case of anisotropic exchange of non-polar chemicals with absorption-based passive samplers in water
Ian John Allan, Marthe Torunn Solhaug Jenssen
Analytical procedures and interpretation basis for biomarkers used in environmental effect monitoring for the water column at the Norwegian continental shelf
Jonny Beyer, Steven Brooks
Litangen Lagune – marin landskapsarkitektur og naturbaserte villgjøringsløsninger. En tverrfaglig rapport laget av NIVA og Urbant HAV
Eli Rinde, Elin T. Sørensen, Janne Kim Gitmark, Maia Røst Kile