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Fishery catch is affected by geographic expansion, fishing down food webs and climate change in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Charles Patrick Lavin, Daniel Pauly, Donna Dimarchopoulou, Cui Liang, Mark John Costello
Language matters for biodiversity
Robert D. Fish, Gail E. Austen, Jacob W. Bentley, Martin Dallimer, Jessica C. Fisher, Katherine N. Irvine
Pyrene hydroxylase in blue mussels and fish
Merete Grung, Anja Nilsen, Steve Brooks, Ketil Hylland
Fish ecotoxicology
Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Jean-Charles Massabuau, Rudi Hofer, Joan Grimalt, Sigurd Rognerud, Reinhardt Lackner
Mixing Zone - a fishery management problem?
Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Atle Hindar
Development of formulated bait for edible crab (Cancer pagurus L.), using by-products from the fisheries and aquaculture industry
Trine Dale, Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Kåre Aas
Biomarkers in fish from dioxin-contaminated fjords
Ketil Hylland, OO Aspholm, Jan Atle Knutsen, A. Ruus
Fish Ecotoxicology. In: Patrick, S. (Ed.) EMERGE Final Report, February 2000 - January 2003. Contract EVK1-CT-1999-000
Bjørn Olav Rosseland, J-C Massabuau, J. O. Grimalt, Sigurd Rognerud, R Hofer, R Lackner
Defining piscine endpoints: Towards score sheets for assessment of clinical signs in fish research”
Linda Andersen, Anita Rønneseth, Mark Darryn Powell, Aurora Margrethe Brønstad
Physiology of Social Stress in Fishes
Christina Sørensen, Ida Beitnes Johansen, Øyvind Øverli
When collaborative planning becomes dysfunctional
Gunnar Sander
Microplastic Impacts in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Amy Lorraine Lusher, Natalie A Welden
Uptake and tissue distribution of C-4-C-7 alkylphenols in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): Relevance for biomonitoring of produced water discharges from oil production
Rolf C Sundt, Thierry Baussant, Jonny Beyer
Consequences of ocean acidification for fisheries
Jan Helge Fosså, Tore Jakobsen, Richard Bellerby
Silver and titanium nanomaterials present in wastewater have toxic effects on crustaceans and fish cells
Anastasia Georgantzopoulou
Predation of Atlantic salmon across ontogenetic stages and impacts on populations
Morten Falkegård, Robert Lennox, Eva Bonsak Thorstad, Sigurd Einum, Peder Fiske, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo
Cell-based data to predict the toxicity of chemicals to fish. Commentary on the manuscript by Rodrigues et al., 2019. Cell-based assays seem not to accurately predict fish short-term toxicity of pesticides. Environmental Pollution 252:476–482
Kristin Schirmer, Julita Stadnicka-Michalak, Scott E Belanger, Ludek Blaha, Niels C Bols, Scott D Dyer
Handling of wild Atlantic salmon smolts reduced marine survival more than hydropower turbine passage
Tormod Haraldstad, Kurt Jonny Johansen, Knut Vollset
AGD control and disinfection in cleanerfish: Part 2: Challenge trial
Mark Powell, Aina Charlotte Wennberg
Density and temperature dependence of gill net catch per unit effort for perch, Perca fluviatilis, and roach, Rutilus rutilus
Arne Linløkken, Thrond O. Haugen