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Bachelor thesis - Relationships between habitat fragmentation, wave exposure, grazing intensity and growth of the intertidal seaweed species Fucus vesiculosus L.
Lucas Hayes, Trine Bekkby, Neus Sanmartí
Reporting Guidelines to Increase the Reproducibility and Comparability of Research on Microplastics
Win Cowger, Andy M Booth, Bonnie M Hamilton, Clara Thaysen, Sebastian Primpke, Keenan Munno
Repeated environmental baseline survey at AF Miljøbase Vats in conjugation with the Ekofisk cessation EPRD project
Jonny Beyer, Astri Jæger Kvassnes, Jarle Håvardstun, Mats Walday, Hege Gundersen, Morten Schaanning
The One Ocean Expedition: Science and Sailing for the Ocean We Want
Geir Huse, Thierry Baussant, Meike Becker, Martin Biuw, Gunhild Bødtker, Jeremy Cook
Possible future scenarios for two major Arctic Gateways connecting Subarctic and Arctic marine systems: I. Climate and physical-chemical oceanography
Kenneth F. Drinkwater, Naomi Harada, Shigeto Nishino, Melissa Chierici, Seth L. Danielson, Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen
Isotopic niche differs between seal and fish-eating killer whales (Orcinus orca) in northern Norway
Eve Jourdain, Clare Andvik, Richard Karoliussen, Anders Ruus, Dag Vongraven, Katrine Borgå
Intercalibration of benthic foraminiferal and macrofaunal biotic indices: An example from the Norwegian Skagerrak coast (NE North Sea)
Elisabeth Alve, Silvia Hess, Vincent M P Bouchet, Jane K Dolven, Brage Rygg
Congruence, but no cascade—Pelagic biodiversity across three trophic levels in Nordic lakes
Tom Andersen, Dag Olav Hessen, Johnny Peter Håll, Maryia Khomich, Marcia Kyle, Markus Lindholm
Ecosystem accounting’s potential to support coastal and marine governance
Wenting Chen, Kristof Albert M Van Assche, Stephen Hynes, Trine Bekkby, Hartvig C Christie, Hege Gundersen
Effects of increased irradiance on biomass, photobiology, nutritional quality, and pigment composition of Arctic sea ice algae
Lars Chresten Lund-Hansen, Ian Hawes, Kasper Hancke, Nicole Salmansen, Johanne Raakjær Nielsen, Laura Balslev
Assuring the integrity of offshore carbon dioxide storage
D.P. Connelly, J.M. Bull, A. Flohr, A. Schaap, D. Koopmans, J.C. Blackford
Hydrological pulses and burning of dissolved organic carbon by stream respiration
Benoît O.L. Demars
Susceptibility of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) to a model carcinogen
Adélaïde Lerebours, Svetlana Murzina, You Song, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Maura Benedetti, Francesco Regoli
Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins
Evanthia Mantzouki, Miquel Lürling, Jutta Fastner, Lisette de Senerpont Domis, Elżbieta Wilk-Woźniak, Judita Koreivienė
Changes in drug use in European cities during early COVID-19 lockdowns – A snapshot from wastewater analysis
Frederic Been, Erik Emke, João Matias, Jose Antonio Baz-Lomba, Tim Boogaerts, Sara Castiglioni
Distribution and abundance of phytobenthic communities: Implications for connectivity and ecosystem functioning in a Black Sea Marine Protected Area
Dimitar Berov, Valentina Todorova, Lubomir Dimitrov, Eli Rinde, Ventzislav Karamfilov
Re-Meandering of lowland streams: Will disobeying the laws of geomorphology have ecological consequences?
Morten Lauge Pedersen, Klaus Kevin Kristensen, Nikolai Friberg
Deciphering DNA methyltransferase inhibitor mediated transgenerational effects on Daphnia: high-throughput analyses and Adverse Outcome Pathway assembly
You Song, Jorke Harmen Kamstra, Yang Cao, Jana Asselman, Marc Anglès d'Auriac, Nikolai Friberg
Water Column Monitoring 2014: Determining the biological effects of an offshore platform on local fish populations
Steven Brooks, Daniela M. Pampanin, Christopher Peter Harman, Merete Grung
Environmental assessments in the marine Arctic: current legal status and processes to address gaps globally and regionally
Gunnar Sander