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Mapping of a milk production quantitative trait locus to a 420-kb region on bovine chromosome 6

Academic article
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Involved from NIVA
Paul Ragnar Berg
Hanne Gro Olsen, Sigbjørn Lien, Mathieu Gautier, Heidi Nilsen, Arne Roseth, Paul Ragnar Berg, Kristil Kindem Sundsaasen, Morten Svendsen, Theo Meuwissen


A QTL affecting milk production traits was previously mapped to an interval of 7.5 cM on chromosome 6 in Norwegian dairy cattle. This article aimed to refine this position by increasing the map density in the region by a set of single-nucleotide polymorphisms and analyzing the data with a combined linkage and linkage disequilibrium approach. Through a series of single- and multitrait and single- and multipoint analyses, the QTL was positioned to an interval surrounded by the genes ABCG2 and LAP3. As no recombinations were detected in this interval, physical mapping was required for further refining. By using radiation hybrid mapping as well as BAC clones, the bovine and human comparative maps in the region are resolved, and the QTL is mapped within a distance of 420 kb.