Factors influencing activities of biotransformation enzymes, concnetrations and compositional patterns of organochlorines in members of a marine food web
Academic article
The accumulation of PCB, DDT, chlordanes, hexachlorocyclohexanes, hexachlorobenzene and mirex was studied in a marine food chain consisting of bullrout, cod, herring gull and harbor seals. Furthermore hepatic biotransformation enzyme activities (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), penoxyresorufin-O-depentylase (PROD) and glutathion S-transferase (GST)) were measured in all species. High correlations between EROD and PROD activities were found in all species, suggesting a single common catalyst CYP1A. GST activities were dependent on biological factors: age in harbor seals and sex in bullrouts.