NIVA has conducted operational monitoring in the Karmsund on behalf of Hydro Aluminium Karmøy. The monitoring programme was prepared in accordance with the water frame directive and approved by the Norwegian Environmental Agency. The programme is designed based on the company’s discharges of contaminants to the sea. Levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), arsenic and lead were analysed in samples of blue mussel. Blue mussel from station Høgevarde were in “not good chemical status” because of concentrations of the PAH compounds fluoranthene and benzo(a)pyrene that exceeded the environmental standards (EQS) for these substances. The two other stations had “good chemical status”, and had low concentrations of PAH compounds. Blue mussel from Høgevarde had elevated concentrations of lead and arsenic. Blue mussel from Bygnesvågen also had elevated concentrations of lead.