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Assessment of current conditions and particle dispersion by establishing a new deepwater quay near Rana Industry Terminal

Year of publication
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Andre Staalstrøm, Magdalena Kempa


In this report it is assumed that 135 000 m³ with mass will be dredged up. It is further assumed that 2 % of this mass is dispersed in the Ranfjord, and this amounts to 1620 tons of dry mass. This amount equals to the same amount of particles that can be discharged into the fjord from the river Ranelva within a week's time, and is not regarded as a significant environmental problem in itself. Approximately 222 tons of the total mass is contaminated, and there will be a positive environmental initiative to remove these masses, so they cannot spread further in the fjord in the future. During the dredging operation it will be a risk of spreading significant amounts of pollutants, and it is therefore recommended to use dredging equipment that minimizes the risk of spreading.