The monitoring in 2015 comprised two-three rounds of water sampling for determination of water chemical variables and heavy metals in surface run-off from the following disused ranges for military shooting and exercise: Avgrunnsdalen, Tittelsnes, Nesje, Gurulia/Bue-Nebb, Steinkjersannan, Marka, Fredrikstad, Ørskogfjellet, Banemyra, Melbu/Haugtuva, Skarsteindalen, and Kvenvikmoen. In addition, COWI has monitored the run-off from Gimlemoen. The aim is to track sources of pollution, determine background levels for naturally occurring metals, and determine pollutants in run-off from the ranges. Spring samples were analysed by ALcontrol, while summer and autumn samples were analysed by Eurofins.