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Multi-sector Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Arctic Ocean

Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
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External websites
Involved from NIVA
Gunnar Sander
Gunnar Sander


The Ecosystem Approach (EA) to Ocean management requires that cumulative impacts of multiple human activities on the marine ecosystem are assessed in order to manage them effectively. Multi-sector SEA therefore are closely linked to the implementation of the EA. New EU legislation implementing the EA will enhance multi-sector SEAs for all European seas. In the Arctic Ocean, however, such an assessment has not been initiated yet, though many building Blocks from thematic assessments exist (pollution, climate change, shipping). Pilot Projects including assessments will be initiated for Largte Marine Ecosystems within the Arctic Ocean. Among the Arctic states, especially Canada, the US and Norway have Rich experience With SEA at geographical scales comprising parts of their marine areas. As an example, the Norwegian Management Plan for the Barents Sea started With sectoral assessments that later were combined to a joint assessment of cumultive impacts. This assessment was one of the inputs to the formulation of a cross-sectoral governmental strategy for the management of the Norwegian part of the Barents Sea.