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Øyvind Tangen Ødegaard

Senior Engineer
Email address
Phone number
+47 918 97 099
External profile
Research section


Øyvind T. Ødegaard is a senior engineer in NIVA's Section for Oceanography. He has worked in NIVA since 2021 and has previous work experience from both the university sector and the marine/offshore industry. His educational background comprises Offshore Engineering with Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Heriot-Watt University and further studies within signal processing, mechatronics, marine acoustics, robotics, deepwater corals and ecological cybernetics and more at NTNU.
In all three sectors he has conducted both engineering design work and field work, relating to marine instrumentation and control systems on a variety of stationary, floating and underwater platforms. In NIVA, this comprises:
- Fixed river/lake monitoring stations: Instrument calibration/maintenance, power solutions, frost protection, telemetry, processing and visualization.
- Ocean/lake vertical profiling/sampling: Sensor/sampler mob/demob/maintenance, sample filtering/titration, data management, reporting.
- FerryBox systems in vessel of opportunity: Control/logging system construction, configuration, on-board installation, sensor/sampler testing, calibration/validation, maintenance, data transfer and remote monitoring.
- Uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) tests, configuration, mission planning, piloting and development of software for georeferencing, quality assurance, organization, storage and visualization of payload data.
His previous positions involved:
- Remotely operated (ROV) and autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) bathymetry, coral and ocean current surveys, real-time underwater positioning, navigation data post-processing, payload data georeferencing, measurement uncertainty analysis, multi-sensor vector and scalar data visualization.
- Ship/offshore platform electro-hydraulic lifting/robotic systems: Design, programming, documentation, failure probability calculations, technical safety compliance, FAT/commissioning.
Øyvind has broad experience with MATLAB and Siemens PLC/HMI systems and is currently focused on learning LabView.
Key projects:
NorSOOP (Norwegian Ships of Opportunity Program, NFR p. 269922)
SeaBee (Norwegian infrastructure for drone-based research, mapping, and monitoring in the coastal zone, NFR p. 296478)
NAUTILOS (New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean obServation, EU Horizon 2020 grant agr. 101000825)