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Martine Olsson Volder

Senior Advisor, Project Support
Email address
Phone number
+47 997 29 127


Extensive experience from project and administration work in the institute. Acted as project support coordinator in Horizon 2020 and some of NIVA's major monitoring projects. This includes, among other things, preparing and following up the timetable, supporting internal project communication, ensuring the assignment's budget and staffing are updated, working with contracts and agreements, as well as work related to reporting and evaluation.

Responsible for the institute's quality assurance system for contracts and agreements with special responsibility for updating, further development and quality assurance of NIVA's procedures and contract templates. Advising NIVAs researchers and management on relevant contractual conditions and regulations. Participation in contract negotiations and quality assurance of agreements in view of current terms and regulations.

Responsible for coordinating the institute's skatteFUNN work, including follow-up of the institute's skatteFUNN projects through guidance in the application, implementation and reporting phases.

Has experience from innovation projects and facilitation for work with IPR and patenting,.