Climate change and ecological assessment in Europe under the WFD – Hitting moving targets with shifting baselines?
Gary Free, Sandra Poikane, Anne Lyche Solheim, Martina Bussettini, Catherine Bradley, Jean Smith
Academic article
| Journal of Environmental Management
Biodiversity monitoring in Europe: User and policy needs
Hannah Moersberger, Jose Valdez, Juliette G. C. Martin, Jessica Junker, Ivelina Georgieva, Silke Bauer
Academic article
| Conservation Letters
Setting nutrient boundaries to protect aquatic communities: The importance of comparing observed and predicted classifications using measures derived from a confusion matrix
Geoff Phillips, Heliana Teixeira, Martyn G. Kelly, Fuensanta Salas Herrero, Gábor Várbíró, Anne Lyche Solheim
Academic article
| Science of the Total Environment