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Investigation of chemical release and biota on seabed test fields in Grenlandsfjordene 2018-2019
Morten Schaanning, Hilde Cecilie Trannum, Bjørnar Beylich, Caroline Raymond, Ingvild Størdal
Influence of Riverine Input on Norwegian Coastal Systems
Helene Frigstad, Øyvind Kaste, Anne Deininger, Karsten Kvalsund, Guttorm Christensen, Richard GJ Bellerby
Contaminants in coastal waters of Norway 2019.
Norman Whitaker Green, Merete Schøyen, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Sigurd Øxnevad, Anders Ruus, Merete Grung
Assessment of the effects on the water quality of changed discharges in Bunnefjorden and Bekkelagsbassenget
Andre Staalstrøm